Nebyla bych překvapená, kdyby můj blog již upadl v zapomnění. Moje dlouhá absence však došla svého konce a já doufám, že mohu vypadávání článků vrátit do pravidelného režimu. Můj první rok na univerzitě skončil a přede mnou leží vidina dlouhého léta.
Hi folks,
I wouldn't be surprised if my blog had already been forgotten. However, my long absence has come to its end and I hope I can return publishing of articles to a regular regime. My first year at the university has finished and I can see a long summer coming.
Hi folks,
I wouldn't be surprised if my blog had already been forgotten. However, my long absence has come to its end and I hope I can return publishing of articles to a regular regime. My first year at the university has finished and I can see a long summer coming.